Being in possession of a Cancard provides you - as the Police - with confidence that the patient has a proven medical condition which would qualify them for a prescription for Cannabis Based Medical Products. This could be in the form of oil, capsules, inhaler cartridges, oral spray, pills or dried cannabis flower including others.
to verify that they are in possession of a genuine Cancard please call us on 0333 443 4444 anytime of the day or night.
You can also scan the QR code on the Cancard to verify an individual's information is identical to their physical card.

There are obviously circumstances which would preclude the use of a Cancard i.e. being in possession of amounts greater than could be attributed to personal medicinal use, but in the event of a query, we are available 24/7 on 0333 443 4444.
A briefing from the National Police Chiefs Council can be found on your intranet. A vast number of Police Forces across the UK have been given specific training in the use of a Cancard. If you have any questions, we invite you to call us directly on 0333 443 4433 within office hours, or email us at
If you are unsure as to the validity of the card you have been presented with in the event of a stop and search, we have a dedicated contact centre specifically for Police use and that number is printed on the Cancard itself. Just in case you can’t locate it, the number is 0333 443 4444.
If you believe that your constabulary has not yet received the Cancard training, please let us know and we will organise for that to happen.
A patient may have a Cancard as they are unable to afford a private prescription. Prescriptions are rarely available on the NHS and private prescriptions can cost as much as £1,500 per month.
As it stands, 98% of stop and searches when in possession of a Cancard result in NFA*
*Figures from our national Cancard Call handlers, alongside prosecution information. Cancard Ltd 2022.